Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria Fund Raiser
Thank you to Al Knoeck for heading up this event and also thank you to all of the participants. Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria will be sending our Council a check in the amount of $222.01. I am of the opinion that we should have this event again in a few months.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Thank you to George McConaghy for organizing our Council along with the other Naperville participating Councils for marching on this very cold parade day.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Luncheon
Thank you to Randy and Pam Stall for all of their work in preparing the luncheon after the parade. Despite the cold weather, I am certain that there were some hungry and thirsty Brother Knights that were very appreciative.
Darrell Hutton Memorial Blood Drive
The Knights held another successful blood drive on March 19th. Even with a number of our regular donors sitting this one out, we exceeded our goal thanks to our walk-ins! We had 59 people register and donate 62 units, saving up to 186 lives! This is a great event the Knights can run with little to no cost. Special thanks to Brian McElmeel and Brad Keyes for volunteering and all the Knights that came out to donate. We’ll see you in September!
SSPP Creche Take Down
Thank you to all of the Brother Knights that helped to take apart the Creche and put it back into the garage for another year. The SSPP head maintenance man, Lou Pozek, is very appreciative of our help. Thank you once again.